Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taiko Weekend

This weekend was a taiko weekend. 

I spent all day on Saturday at Sugino Studios taking part in the filming of a promotional video for Yakudo. What an awesome and interesting experience. Seeing the behind the scenes of what goes into shooting perhaps a 5 minute song. We spend most of the morning standing on the set as the crew set the lighting and camera angles. We played through the song a couple of times. Then they filmed some people playing sections of the song so that they could get close-up footage and different angles. 

While I was at the studio, Eric and Kyra took Alia to her riding lessons then they went to McDonald's for lunch. I'm sure it was almost a free lunch because Eric cashed in all his Monopoly winnings!! They then came home and raked up the leaves and 'winterized' the yard.

Sunday, Alia and I spent most of the day at the JCCC for Road to Asia. Today was Alia's taiko debut! Her taiko class wrote their own song and performed it twice today. They did very well! After dropping us off this morning, Eric took Kyra to piano lessons and then they did the groceries. They came back to watch Alia perform with her taiko class and then went to rockclimbing lessons. Alia and I packed up the drums and went back to the studio to unload all our instruments and taiko. 

Now to sit and relax. 

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