Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Family Monopoly Game!

Over the last two weekends, our family has been involved in a game of Monopoly. Not the new electronic version where everything is done for you. One doesn’t push a button to buy property or shake the iPad to roll the dice. Two weekends ago, our family pulled out the game board. 

It was the first time we played the original version as a family. Our family has been playing the Jr. version for years but this was the first time we played the original game from a box. How fun it was to watch our 8 and 10 year old mentally calculate prices of properties and make change for rents.

Our game lasted over two weekends (about 3 actual playing days). The final result: Our 8 year old cleaned up! We could no longer afford rents and had to negociate giving her our properties as payment. In the end, she owed the whole board! 

BTW, I also love the electronic version. More compact and easy to transport. But it calculates and adds funds into players’ accounts automatically. No thought required. No math skills required. 

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