Friday, December 7, 2012

La chorale chante

Voici le vidéo de la chorale d'école qui chante à Radio-Canada samedi dernier.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Radio and Hot Chocolate!

Yesterday morning, the girls were singing with their school choir at 'Un air de fête', hosted by Radio-Canada (CBC). It was a fun morning with a visit with Santa, a bite to eat, a visit to the arts and crafts table and of course singing on the radio.

We had lunch at Quesada (Que-quoi-quoi? as Kyra first inquired!) It was delicious but had a "sweat" attack with the habanero sauce and the salsa roja!!

On our way out of the downtown core, we saw the signs for Toronto's Winter Market. I've heard the advertisements on the radio and wanted to check it out. Also on the way in to town, we saw the ferris wheel and huge Christmas tree in the middle of the Distillery District. I didn't realise how popular this event was! I couldn't believe the extra 'event' parking down by the lakeshore. "Nah, it can't be that busy!" "Yes it is!" After driving around the block and almost giving up, we ended up in the overflow event parking. 

I wish we were a little more dressed for the event. But since it was a last minute decision we made the best of it (including warming our toes in Soma, the chocolate store with a couple of hot chocolates!) I would definitely go back another time, dressed in extra layers. I am sure it is also pretty in the evening with all the lights. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taiko Weekend

This weekend was a taiko weekend. 

I spent all day on Saturday at Sugino Studios taking part in the filming of a promotional video for Yakudo. What an awesome and interesting experience. Seeing the behind the scenes of what goes into shooting perhaps a 5 minute song. We spend most of the morning standing on the set as the crew set the lighting and camera angles. We played through the song a couple of times. Then they filmed some people playing sections of the song so that they could get close-up footage and different angles. 

While I was at the studio, Eric and Kyra took Alia to her riding lessons then they went to McDonald's for lunch. I'm sure it was almost a free lunch because Eric cashed in all his Monopoly winnings!! They then came home and raked up the leaves and 'winterized' the yard.

Sunday, Alia and I spent most of the day at the JCCC for Road to Asia. Today was Alia's taiko debut! Her taiko class wrote their own song and performed it twice today. They did very well! After dropping us off this morning, Eric took Kyra to piano lessons and then they did the groceries. They came back to watch Alia perform with her taiko class and then went to rockclimbing lessons. Alia and I packed up the drums and went back to the studio to unload all our instruments and taiko. 

Now to sit and relax. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Family Monopoly Game!

Over the last two weekends, our family has been involved in a game of Monopoly. Not the new electronic version where everything is done for you. One doesn’t push a button to buy property or shake the iPad to roll the dice. Two weekends ago, our family pulled out the game board. 

It was the first time we played the original version as a family. Our family has been playing the Jr. version for years but this was the first time we played the original game from a box. How fun it was to watch our 8 and 10 year old mentally calculate prices of properties and make change for rents.

Our game lasted over two weekends (about 3 actual playing days). The final result: Our 8 year old cleaned up! We could no longer afford rents and had to negociate giving her our properties as payment. In the end, she owed the whole board! 

BTW, I also love the electronic version. More compact and easy to transport. But it calculates and adds funds into players’ accounts automatically. No thought required. No math skills required. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Alia a.k.a. Barista Jr.

It's Sunday morning and all is quiet. I'm awake but not in a real rush to get out of bed. I hear noises coming from downstairs. 'That sounded like the coffee machine. Alia's making me a coffee!'

Part of me (over-protective mom) wanted to go downstairs and supervise. The 'anti-helicopter' parent in me said: Jo, wait and see. Be ready to run if you hear a scream but if you go downstairs now, there will be more disappointment than joy because the surprise will be ruined.

Sigh! Just another sign that the girls are growing up so quickly. Last night, Alia made delicious cookies all by herself. The only thing I did was get the bowl down from the top shelf of the cupboard, put the cookies in the oven and take them out and, I think most important of all, explain the difference between plastic wrap and parchment paper!! The cookies were a success!

I am proud to report this morning that the coffee was delivered to me in bed successfully and was delicious! Alia was very proud and pleased with her accomplishment and Kyra got a hot chocolate out of the deal. (There was extra steamed milk leftover after my coffee.

What a awesome way to start a Sunday morning! Thank you Eric for training our jr. barista!

Friday, August 10, 2012

First Flight

July 7 - The babies are out of the nest. 
This past weekend, we found mama bird perched on the patio chairs in the backyard. She was on guard duty as we spotted one of the babies perched on a branch in the cedars. 
They are also starting to coo again. Up until now, they were very, very quiet. 

July 12 - Hanging out in the apple tree

Morning Dove family was spotted on the branches of the apple tree in the backyard. The babies feathers are speckled, unlike mama bird who's feathers are grey and sleek.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Les œufs éclorent!

One day Alia and Eric announced that there are baby birds in the nest! We finally spot two baby birds. Every evening before bed, we check up on the birds. We probably took way too many pictures over the course of several weeks. I think our total is up to about 100+ and the crazy job of editing the number down to a reasonable amount is coming soon!
We have since spotted papa bird and mama bird taking turns in the nest.

our family of doves

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Maman, il y a un nid d'oiseau à côté de ma fenêtre!"

Can you see me?

This past spring, Alia showed me the bird's nest just outside her window. At first, I only saw the nest but as I looked very carefully, the mother bird appeared through the cedar branches. At first it didn't look real. The bird didn’t move! But all of a sudden it blinked and it was not just my imagination or my eyes playing tricks on me.
The morning doves built their nest on top of another older nest, probably one that a squirrel built last year. The bottom of the structure is very chunky and full of leaves. The top part of the nest the birds are using is more typical with smaller twigs.
Every morning, Alia would check up on the nest. Mama bird was always there. After school and in the evening, always there. I sometimes wondered when she ate. And where was papa bird? We saw him a few times sitting on the nest but most often it was the mother bird in the nest. She hardly ever moved, never cooed. Really good camouflage!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Apple Camp 2012

The girls have spent the last two mornings at Apple Camp at the local Apple Store. They have been creating their own compositions with GarageBand and this morning they are editing their movies in iMovie. Hopefully this will further inspire them to create other movies.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Where did the school year go?

Returning to the classroom full-time was a lot harder than I anticipated. I knew it would be a challenge but what a challenge! Let's just say that on the first week of summer vacation Kyra and I are sick! I am so grateful for Eric being around to drive the girls to swimming and piano, giving me some time to prepare lessons, etc... This first weekend of the summer holiday, I am putting my feet up and enjoying the garden, the sunshine and family time.

The girls did a fabulous job at school this year. Both sang in the choir and took chess lessons at lunchtime. Alia joined the improv club and volleyball team.

The girls are looking forward to summer camps this summer. Today is Alia's first day at horseback riding camp. Kyra's art camp starts tomorrow.

Our summer will probably be just as busy the rest of the year but we will definitely find the time to slow down, hang out on a picnic blanket in the shade of  tree and just breathe.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cabane à sucre 2012!

March Break!

Eric and I spent March Break in Punta Cana, DR. Oh how lovely!

Bavaro Beach

The pool

A perfect sunrise

Bavaro Beach
Inside courtyard