Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This Week! (or Too Tired to Come Up With a Better Title!!!)

Today was day 6 of the school year! Rebuilding a classroom from the ground up is a lot of work! Thank goodness I am working with some fabulous teachers that are willing to share their wonderful ideas. I hope I can repay the favour in the future.

We enjoyed a lovely lasagna casserole for supper last night and lunch today. Eric made it on the weekend for us to eat Monday-Tuesday and also made enough to freeze for those 'crazy' nights! Je t'aime mon amour! It was delicious.

We are falling into a routine at home. Last night, the girls and I picked up around the house (with the hopes that doing a little bit all the time will avoid the tornado-look at the end of the week!!)

The girls are happy in school. Alia and Kyra were chosen to be in the school choir this year! They are both excited and now are busy during lunch hours for practices. Picking them up at daycare after school is going well. I am hoping I can keep better up to date with the happenings at the school. I am hoping to pick them up a little earlier than I have been. What a difference 20 minutes can make on the traffic!! (Construction on the main street near our house and down towards the school doesn't help!!)

Now I should be preparing my plan for tomorrow and the rest of the week. It seems that I can't seem to pull ahead more than a couple of days in my planning. Hopefully, things will start running a bit smoother soon!

Now back to work.

Good Night all!

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