Thursday, September 2, 2010

Harry Potter: The Exhibition

Did anyone see a flying car go by?

Last weekend we took the girls to see the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Ontario Science Museum. It opened back in the spring and Eric and I really wanted to go see it. We were not sure if the girls would appreciate it. We tried to watch the 1st movie together but Kyra found it scary. We ended up watching only half of the movie (up to the scene with the sorting hat and Harry is sorted into Gryffindor). But on other visits to the OSM, the girls had asked to go see Harry Potter.

“We want to see the real Harry Potter. Not the movie.”

So last weekend we ordered our tickets for the first time slot on Saturday morning. This was a great move because the exhibit was empty and we could take in all the displays without the crowds.

The exhibit was a collection of costumes, props and recreations of different scenes from all the movies. It was so interesting to see up close all the tiny details that went into the items that either movie viewers don’t see or don’t notice in the movie! All the thought that went into creating the costumes to help create the characters we all love (or hate).

We made the wise choice of renting 2 audio guides to share. There was a lot of interesting information about the movie and the development of the props used in the movie.

When we first walked into the exhibit, we were greeted by a ‘professor’ who sorted guests into houses! The girls were too shy to face the sorting hat but Eric and I were sorted into Slytherin and Hufflepuff! We then walked through the doors into a ‘movie’ room where we watched clips from all the movies. It reminded me very much of the way Disney controls the crowds with themed ‘holding pens’ for large crowds. After the movie clips, the doorway opened onto Platform 9 ¾. The Hogwarts Express was waiting for us, steam and all. Pretty impressive.

As we walked into the exhibit hall, we were greeted by other ‘professors’. One professor asked the girls to light her lantern with a wand. They had wands from all the characters (amazing how they are all different). When we first walked in, the painting of the Fat Lady was tomented by dark magic, but she soon reappeared a little later! They had set up Harry and Ron’s beds. Beautiful.

Many of the robes of the different professors (Snape, Dumbledore, Moody, McGonagall …) were on display along with their wands and props.

We got to try Quidditch by throwing Quaffles through the 3 goal posts. We pulled out squealing Mandrakes! We sat in Hagrid’s chair and walked through his hut. The girls found the Forbidden Forest a little scary but then, it’s supposed to be!!

The lifesized Hippogriff was amazing to see, all the feathers individually stiched in.

Poor Ron’s dress robes were on display, along with Harry’s robes and Hermione’s ball gown for the Yule Ball.

Of course, no exhibit can exist without the gift shop at the exit! Didn’t see myself spending $45 on a Marauder’s Map! Settled on $0.69 postcard and two pencils!

In all, it took us about 90 minutes to go through the entire exhibit. Eric and I are glad the girls didn’t rush through the exhibit but took their time along with Eric and I. We were also very glad we went early in the day. We started our visit with 3 other families (maybe 15 people max) so we had full access to the displays. By the time we finished, it was a lot more crowded.

Maybe now the girls might want to watch the movie (at least the first one since the other ones are a bit scarier). But then again, maybe not. And that’s ok. 

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