Sunday, April 11, 2010

Safety First!

The girls started swimming lessons last Thursday. They haven’t been in a while and Eric and I both felt they needed to learn how to swim properly. We found as small private pool nearby that offers semi private lessons (4:1) for a reasonable price. They focus more on swimming skills and technique, which is what we want. Other programs offering a water safety component is not necessary for we can cover that as parents. Both girls really enjoyed their lesson and are looking forward to next week.

Several weeks ago, Kyra asked to play my guitar. I let her sit on the couch and strum away. I asked her “Would you like to learn to play the guitar?” “Yes”, she said. “But I want to do swimming lessons first.”

“Ok”, I answered. “What about the piano?”

Kyra thought for a moment. “First swimming lessons, then guitar, then piano, then taiko, then flute.” There was a slight pause. “And then I would like to learn how to climb a tree.” She looked at me with a serious look and added, “but only after I ask an adult for permission!”

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