Wednesday, November 18, 2009

'Low Fat Blueberry'

I would like to think that we are encouraging the girls to be curious about the world around them. We want them to explore their surroundings and ask questions. It is really interesting to watch them use their reading and reasoning skills as we go through our daily routine. Reading is not just for school or what one does with books. Reading is something we do everyday, whether we realise it or not. The girls are practicing their reading skills in the car, in the store, on the subway and on the cereal boxes (just to name a few).

This past summer, Alia was practicing her reading by reading all the subway stop names. She knows which stops to get off on the subway. (Not that I would test my theory anytime soon, but I think she could make it to Eric's work - nearest subway station - on her own!) She is also really good at reading street signs and directions. She has a natural built-in GPS and can often tell you which street we turned down to go to a friend's birthday party last spring!

Last week, the girls had their annual check-up (all's fine). On our way back to school, we stopped at Tim Horton's for a muffin snack to eat/take to school for recess snack. While I was standing in line, the girls were at the snack window deciding which muffin they were going to choose. Kyra sounded out and read for herself 'low fat blueberry'! Well, I was very impressed! She proudly announced that was the one she wanted. Not that she needs 'low fat' anything. I wasn't about to argue! You can read the label - you can have a low fat blueberry muffin.

All this to say, reading is fun! I am looking forward to our next wonder-full moment.

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