Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Prep

Decorating the house for Halloween has been an on-going project for the last couple of weeks. Not that our decorations are elaborate (definitely not like the ones you see on tv during Halloween specials) but simple, kid oriented and fun. I've tried to control myself at the dollar store and most of the decorations were made by Alia and Kyra.
This year is the first year we are celebrating Halloween in Toronto. I guess we will see how are neighbourhood celebrates the gathering of sweets! I actually flagged down a neighbour and asked how busy our street was on Halloween night. According to her, things are quiet on our end of the street. Which is fine by me because we will be leaving a bowl of treats on the porch for trick or treaters. (Chips are the treat of choice this year) Can't be in two places at once and the girls and I would obviously prefer being out collecting treats!

The girls' school is having a Halloween celebration this Friday. Other than the costume parade in the gym, I think things are going to be kept simple. I noticed a lot of Halloween themed artwork hanging in the hallways. I am going into Kyra's class Wednesday morning to help with more artwork.
This week after school, we will be filling those decoration bags full of leaves and decorating the front lawn.

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