Friday, August 10, 2012

First Flight

July 7 - The babies are out of the nest. 
This past weekend, we found mama bird perched on the patio chairs in the backyard. She was on guard duty as we spotted one of the babies perched on a branch in the cedars. 
They are also starting to coo again. Up until now, they were very, very quiet. 

July 12 - Hanging out in the apple tree

Morning Dove family was spotted on the branches of the apple tree in the backyard. The babies feathers are speckled, unlike mama bird who's feathers are grey and sleek.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Les œufs éclorent!

One day Alia and Eric announced that there are baby birds in the nest! We finally spot two baby birds. Every evening before bed, we check up on the birds. We probably took way too many pictures over the course of several weeks. I think our total is up to about 100+ and the crazy job of editing the number down to a reasonable amount is coming soon!
We have since spotted papa bird and mama bird taking turns in the nest.

our family of doves

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Maman, il y a un nid d'oiseau à côté de ma fenêtre!"

Can you see me?

This past spring, Alia showed me the bird's nest just outside her window. At first, I only saw the nest but as I looked very carefully, the mother bird appeared through the cedar branches. At first it didn't look real. The bird didn’t move! But all of a sudden it blinked and it was not just my imagination or my eyes playing tricks on me.
The morning doves built their nest on top of another older nest, probably one that a squirrel built last year. The bottom of the structure is very chunky and full of leaves. The top part of the nest the birds are using is more typical with smaller twigs.
Every morning, Alia would check up on the nest. Mama bird was always there. After school and in the evening, always there. I sometimes wondered when she ate. And where was papa bird? We saw him a few times sitting on the nest but most often it was the mother bird in the nest. She hardly ever moved, never cooed. Really good camouflage!